
弊社『内田染工場』は創業111年の古くからの歴史と知識に裏打ちされた高い技術と テクノロジーの融合による細かな品質管理により、 日本を代表する数々のメゾン、ブランドと取り組みを行っています。 弊社が展開する染レーベル『小石川染色工房』では、 これまでの歴史の中で培ったさまざまな染の技(わざ)を、活かし・伝えるとともに、 エシカルという観点からサスティナブル(環境破壊をせずに維持・継続できる)な未来へ向けて 様々な努力を続けていきたいと思っています

We are a textile shop founded more than 111 years ago, located near the Koishikawa Botanical Garden in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward. For many years the techniques and sensitivity of our craftsmen have supported the works of designers at Paris Fashion Week and Japan Fashion Week, in Tokyo. We launched the Koishikawa Dyeing Workshop, and are producing small, original accessories that make use of dyeing techniques. We are sure that you will appreciate the beauty and warmth unique to hand-dyed fabrics.



This is one of several traditional Japanese dyeing methods that originated in the Nara period (710–794). Fabric is folded and clamped using a pair of boards. Only the unclamped portion is dyed, which produces a very unique design. As it is a manual process, involving one sheet of fabric at a time, some dye penetrates through openings in the boards to create a faint, yet distinctive, charm that is quite unlike that of print patterns. We hope you will appreciate the exquisite appearance that differs from piece to piece.